Dance Therapy

by Izzy Scott

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Psychotherapy sessions

Focus on your life story, and situations you want to transform

Dance language

Together we are going to open the door of dance healing to your body according to your possibilities

Transforming experiences

Exploring emotional scars to grow from them using arts and the capacity to create new versions of yourself

About this Class

I developed a method for vulnerable women who had experienced violence, finding new ways to recover through different stages of healing, using psychotherapy, dance, arts, performance, writing, and more.   This method has been proven with different populations. We are going to explore pain or mental obstacles from a safe place, from creativity, to resignify issues of ourselves which are still hurting.  At the end of the process, we may change our perspective, experiencing new and healthier emotions.



Be willing to move your body
Ability to discuss personal topics to the group
Ability to collaborate and create

It is important for students to understand dancing as a form of body expression that enables individuals to release stress levels, strengthen cardiovascular health, express emotions through movement, and expand creativity. In this course the goal will not be to dance great; the goal will be to express your emotional life through dance and group support.

Contracting with

Izzy Scott