Who is


Martha Isabel Cordoba Arevalo

Salsa dancer teacher, actrees and psychologist with more than 10 years of experience in the field of teaching and psychoterapy throught dance. Awarded 3 at national level in Colombia on dance as a therapeutic and educational tool (Ministry of Culture2013, Colciencias2012, Ministry of Culture2016).

Published psychologist creator of My Body is My Story Method used for psychological healing.  Salsa champion 2017 in Cali Colombia. Founder of the non-profit organization My Body is My Story, which helps vulnerable children and adolescents through the arts.

my social enterprise

mi cuerpo es mi historia

This is my consensual project, in which i not only support the headling of emotional wounds of violent girls and adolescents, but i have also managed to merge my two professions as a dancer and a psychologist in the context.

Scientific publications

on dance as a therapeutic resource:


izzy scott

Los Cachos


Sabrás - Herencia Timbiquí


Interview as a salsa dancer

Colombian newscast highlights my methodology

Interview as a musical theater student in New York

Interview as psychologist and stage director

Interview as a gender researcher

Interview as a dance therapist


Contact me

Izzy Scott

+1 (786) 757-5609